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Co-Founder/Director of

zbrushing up

demonsketch2 After neglecting drawing for too long due to serious work stuff, I decided to spend an hour or so having fun in Zbrush with the symmetry painting. I ended up with the chap, sort of a monkey predator thingy. Hopefully I will get some time over xmas to play some more.


pen friends

Sketched some more friendly hell-folk over the Easter break. I think I am zoning in on some final designs now.marauder2SatanConceptsEva2Rectifiers VariousDeathHawker




HellFolkSome more weekend character sketching.

Quick Sketches

Some Evilogy character doodles that I did. I’m thinking of doing a Kickstarter thingy at some point for these books, depends how brave I am feeling!IMG_1864IMG_1869IMG_1865IMG_1870IMG_1862

The Olympians Extended Cut!

To celebrate this weekend’s Anniversary Games in London we decided to extend our Olympians style test from last year into a full (short) film and release it upon the masses. Here is the result!

Pie news

ArachnoidSuperHealer_CLRThe distinct lack of updates over the last few months was down to the NDA heavy work I have been elbow deep in with my company Masters of Pie Ltd.
We recently released two separate apps for various clients to the app store:

Both were closely guarded secrets as far as showing off the art goes. However, we are now beginning the next round of apps and although those are closely guarded secrets also, I can sneak the odd peek here and there.
The most exciting thing at present is our monster laden project which requires me to churn out endless monster designs (60+ so far) so here is a little taster of them at the concept sculpting stages. Hominoid_SuperHealerArachnoidHealer



Alchemy Session

Teaser good

Masters of Pie’s teaser trailer for our upcoming short film entitled ‘The Olympians’

Release the Cracker!


The channel 4 funded/Big Robot produced game Fallen City has been released. I created character models/rigs and over 50 animation clips for the game.

Go play it here:

It’s a cracker!


Super Fast concept paint of my Hell Commander Minion.  (using ZBrush symmetry tools and playing around with Neville Page’s Gnomon Workshop Technique)  Not bad for a first effort, look forward to knocking up a few more using this method.